Her Werewolf Harem Read online

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  I belted him across the face with my clutch, hard enough to make his head turn.

  I think he was expecting a different reaction from the frightened girl all on her own, but I'd been dealing with werewolves my whole life and I know the first key to fighting them is to let them know you're not scared.

  As Tanner's head turned back to face me, it became human again, shifting seamlessly from form to form.

  "Come here." He made a grab for my arm, catching my wrist, I twisted, surprising him again with my strength. I stamped on his foot, bare from when he had changed, and he cried out in pain but didn't let go of me, flinging me back against the wall of the alley I had just come out of and pressing me there, his hard body up against mine.

  "Feisty little one, aren't you?"

  "You've no idea."

  Perhaps it was wrong, but, even in this situation, the feel of him against me sent a thrill of desire coursing through me.

  Which didn't stop me from biting his knuckle as hard as I could until he let one of my hands go with a grunt.

  Moving like lightning and thanking God I had chosen the loose dress for easy movement, I twisted a leg around his and sent him tumbling to the ground with me on top of him. I didn't stay there long, he flipped me onto my back with easy strength, trying to pin me to the ground. But I, again, used his strength and size against him - those judo classes paying off. We rolled over and back again on the ground, each fighting for supremacy, his strength dominating me, my skill out-foxing him.

  I've fought with werewolves all my professional life and there are a few tricks you can use to put them out of commission before running as fast as you can because, bottom line is; they can turn wolf and tear you apart. But he hadn't turned. And I hadn't run.

  Maybe this was a game that neither of us was keen to end.

  Finally, I got a hand free while I was on top of him and, leaning back from him, I delivered a sharp slap to his handsome face.

  He stopped fighting back, just lying on the ground beneath me. This would normally have been where I ran but, instead, I stared down at him. He put out his tongue to touch it to where I had cut his lip, tasting the blood.

  "That wasn't very nice."

  "Well, neither is creeping up on someone."

  "You were following me. In this part of town, that's not a wise thing to do. Especially after…"

  He trailed off, clearly about to mention the recent assassination attempt on his father. I didn’t want him thinking I was investigating him, but him thinking I was there to murder him was even less ideal if I was hoping to make it out of this encounter alive.

  I swallowed hard as I wracked my brain to come up with an innocent-sounding excuse that would also be believable.

  I decided to play it coy and appeal to his vanity.

  "Haven't you ever been followed by a woman before?"

  He shrugged as best he could from his position on the ground. "By women, yes. I've very seldom been followed by foolhardy hellcats."

  "I don't know why not," I murmured, a pulse of need roaring to life between my thighs. “Hellcats are known for going after what they want.”

  His eyes went hot with need and his nostrils flared. "They aren't the only ones."

  I don't know which of us moved first, but I know that if he hadn't, I would have.

  Our lips crushed together as he rolled me over onto my back once more, and this time I made no effort to stop him.

  My brain sent a somewhat half-hearted message to point out that I was on my back under a werewolf, who was also a murder suspect, in one of the roughest and most werewolf-friendly parts of town, but my brain wasn't calling the shots tonight. Besides, what easier way to get him to believe that my motives were purely sexual than by putting my proverbial money where my mouth was.

  Hell, who was I kidding? In that moment, I wanted him like I’d never wanted another male in my life.

  Maybe I was still under the influence of the wolf pheromones from earlier.

  Maybe the six-month dry spell had caught up with me.

  Or maybe it was simply that Tanner was the best-looking, most desirable male I had ever met, but whatever it was, this was going to happen, and I was going to enjoy every wicked moment of it.

  Chapter 4

  I squealed as he picked me up off the ground, his muscles easily lifting my weight, then wrapped my legs tight about his hips, rubbing myself against him, desperate for what he was going to give me.

  He might have been the wolf, but I felt like an animal, driven only by an overwhelming and instinctive need. I was a female in the presence of a dominant and aggressive male, with an attraction pulsing between us I couldn’t deny. I needed him inside me, and it needed to happen now.

  Tanner's tongue pushed into my mouth and I sucked on it, tasting him and grinding my frantic body against his, feeling his hard, muscular form against mine. Dropping me to my feet again, though never losing control of my mouth, he pressed me back into the wall and I whimpered as I felt the most potent muscle of all stirring to life in his pants. Tanner was big, and growing bigger, and I worked myself against him with almost despairing frustration, feeling his still imprisoned cock throbbing powerfully in response.

  I moaned as he slid down my body to his knees, denying me the delicious friction of his swollen cock and the feel of his mouth on mine. But that mouth had another destination.

  I gasped in anticipation as he lifted my loose dress - brilliant choice - and slid a hand up my trembling thigh to caress my core through my panties, already soaked through. That gentleness was only momentary, in the next instant, he ripped the garment from my unresisting body, tossing them aside, and I felt the cool night air on my heated private parts. As I looked down, I saw Tanner's eyes staring at what he had revealed, the burning heat in his gaze was almost as arousing as the thought of what he might do next.

  He wasn't slow to act. I bit my lip to stop myself from crying out as Tanner lunged forward, as if he was going for the jugular of an enemy, burying his face in me, his tongue squirming inside my wet tunnel. As his hands grabbed my flesh, squeezing at my thighs and up round to my ass, I yanked up my dress, which had fallen down about his head, so I could look down at what he was doing. With my other hand, I clutched his head, tugging hard on his black hair, not caring if it hurt him. He growled in response, the sound seeming to reverberate against my enflamed clitoris.

  The feelings that were erupting from my core were indescribable. Bright colors seemed to fire in my head as the intense sensations burned their way up through my body like fireworks composed of pure pleasure. Tanner might have been an aggressively virile male, but he was so much more than pure power, the skill of what he was doing with his tongue was beyond anything any man had ever done to me, the sensations beyond anything I had ever experienced. I had been hotly aroused since entering the Pack Lodge earlier, the fight had pushed me further, now, Tanner's skilled mouth was fast taking me over the edge, the flickering flames of an incredible orgasm already boiling in my loins.

  I flung a leg over Tanner's shoulder, pulling him further into me, harder against me, relishing the friction of his rough face against my tender pussy almost as much as I relished the feel of his agile tongue inside me. Tanner responded instantly, tugging more roughly at my flesh with his hands, pressing against me to push his tongue deeper into my aching core.

  "Ahh..." The moment was almost on me. I had lost all ability to think, moving on animal instinct and the desperate need to come. I bucked my hips in time with my throaty cries of desire, working myself against Tanner's face until, "Ahh!"

  I clutched him to me as I erupted into his mouth, gasping and groaning as I came, hard. Tanner growled into me afresh. The action of his tongue against my clit sent me straight over the edge again, clutching at him as my system dealt with a second orgasm searing through me like wildfire.

  That had never happened to me before. Not ever.

  I almost collapsed on the ground, only held up by the strong man who still knelt in
front of me. Placing my hands on his shoulders, I tried to recover my breath and my grip on reality, both of which had slipped away in the throes of orgasm.

  But Tanner wasn't done with me yet and wasn't giving me any chance to recover. His own needs were as keen as mine, and a man like Tanner - a creature, like Tanner - would only put his own desires aside for so long.

  He sprang to his feet, grabbing hold of my hips as I was still unsteady on my legs, and fastened himself hungrily onto my mouth. I tasted myself on him as we kissed.

  The growl thrummed in my mouth as he ground himself against me and I felt the hard evidence of his long-suppressed desire. Maybe it was the feel of that huge, greedy cock against me, or the realization that he wanted me as much as I wanted him, but whatever it was, any exhaustion in my body was washed away by a fresh wave of desire that swept through me.

  I was ready for more.

  Which was just as well. Tanner twisted me round to face the wall and I braced myself with my arms and ground my ass back into him, feeling his dick lurch powerfully against my firm cheeks. I heard his zipper and the sound of clothing being moved aside. Still, I kept my face pressed to the cool brickwork in front of me, wanting to look, and yet also wanting to be taken by surprise. He threw up my loose dress, baring my ass cheeks to his lust-filled gaze and, seconds later, I caught my breath as I felt the hot skin of his pounding shaft pressed between my ass cheeks. I clawed at the wall as he worked that throbbing shaft up and down the crease, making it swell still further, the blood surging through it so hard that I could feel his pulse against my sensitive ass.

  Unable to contain myself any longer, I looked back over my shoulder and was rewarded with the deliciously obscene sight of Tanner's cock protruding from the top of my ass cleavage. It did not look as big as it had felt to me - it looked bigger. My eyes widened at the sight of it.

  “It’s going to be good, little one,” he assured me in a gritty voice.

  Grabbing his cock in his fist, he pulled back from my ass and lined up the bloated head at my wet entrance. I started and squealed as he gave my ass a firm smack - not hard, but enough to set my juices bubbling afresh.


  I braced myself against the wall. Tanner thrust forward and I cried out. Thanks to my earlier excitement, I was slick with juice, and Tanner had been able to go into me, to the hilt, in one muscular shove, but to be suddenly so stuffed with cock was still a shock to my system. Six months of abstinence wiped away in one devastating moment that almost had me coming again straight away. My internal muscles clamped hard on Tanner, then released, and then rippled up and down his length, as if my body could not believe the girth and strength of this invader and had to check.

  I craned my head about and was delighted to see that it was not just me overtaken by the ecstasy of the moment. Tanner's eyes burned as never before, like a blue flame flickered somewhere in the darkness of his pupils. His teeth were clenched and his jaw set as he fought to control himself. His eyes met mine, seeing the heated desire in me that mirrored his own, and, as I watched, his face spasmed into that of the wolf and back to human again, passing across his handsome features like a change of expression.

  The sight made something primal rear up inside of me and I growled at the back of my throat, "Fuck me."

  I wanted to be fucked by the wolf, by the animal. I wanted it to be raw and primitive. Above all, I wanted it to be now.

  Tanner snarled as he pulled out of me so only the bulbous head remained and then drove the full length back in, his hips smacking against me, flattening my bare ass cheeks, pushing me into the wall.

  "Harder," I gasped through clenched teeth.

  Tanner grabbed a tight hold on my hips, his fingers digging into the flesh, and began to pummel my backside like a steam engine, each muscular thrust driving his huge cock deep inside me. His breath came in harsh gasps as he pumped into me, stretching me wide with his thick length and igniting every nerve with fierce pleasure. My own breaths came fast and hard, each one knocked from me by the power of his thrusts. I was sure I felt the tight grip on my hips changing fluidly from hands to claws and back again, but perhaps that was just my imagination, because it was what I wanted to feel.

  It was sex like I had never experienced before. I'd been with big strong men and I'd been fucked raw and hard, but those men seldom, if ever, remembered that I was there, too. Tanner was giving me the overhauling of a lifetime, so I could barely catch my breath and would be showing the marks for days to come, but he was doing it for me, not to me. He might be an animal, but he was an animal determined to give his mate the time of her life, and boy did he know how to go about it.

  As my climax approached, my head lolled so my long hair spilled down my back. My eyes were squeezed tight shut, focused on the sharp, irresistible pleasure pricking my loins into yet another searingly hot come. It was inevitable, but I fought against it, I wanted to enjoy this punishing, primitive fuck for as long as I could, to relish every bruising blow of his hips on my ass. Also, I wanted to come with him, to reach my pinnacle just as he gushed his wolf seed into me.

  I heard the strained growl from behind that told me he was reaching that point. Not even Tanner, with his immense strength and lupine stamina, could keep going like this forever, and he damn sure wasn't going to slow down or back off. My own orgasm now felt like a physical thing, pressing against my insides, desperate to escape. I wanted it so badly but if only I could cling on until...

  Tanner let out a low, protracted groan as he thrust forward one last time, twisting his hips as he went to give me one more tweak of pleasure-loaded pain. His cock bucked and twitched inside me as he fired off, coming in hard spurts, taking me along with him. It was blindingly intense as my channel squeezed and clenched around his massive length and I had to bite my lip to keep from screaming.

  I think I blacked out for a moment, overwhelmed by the suffusion of pleasure ballooning from my body. When I came around, I found Tanner cradling me against him as he leaned with one hand against the wall.

  "That was incredible."

  I hadn't expected him to say that. I sort of assumed it was all in a day's work for a male like him. The direct heir to the Kenai Pack could have his choice of females, and when that heir looked like Tanner, he must have been beating them off with a stick.

  I said nothing in reply, but kissed along the strong line of his jaw, which I hope said it all.

  After a few minutes of recovery, we disengaged, Tanner slipping from my aching core. I rearranged my dress and found the werewolf looking at me, a heat still in those dark eyes.

  "Heir’s House isn't far from here."

  It might seem like I was letting my natural urges get the better of my judgment, but this was the perfect opportunity to learn more about one of my suspects. Or, at least, that was what I told myself as we walked back to the rambling mansion in which the three Kenai heirs made their home.

  "What were you doing at the party?" he asked, as we walked. "I mean, I'm not complaining - I'm very glad you were there - but... You're a part-wolf, right?"

  "I did some work for your father," I said, which was almost true. "He asked what he could give me as reward. I said an invite to any event where I could meet you." It seemed best to stick to my story that I was a woman who liked a bit of tail - not so very uncommon.

  "My father?" The words said little but the black tone said a lot.

  "Just some admin stuff," I lied. "Wolves don't much like paperwork, but if you live in the world..."

  Tanner nodded. "We're still finding a way to fit in."

  "How come you left so early?" I asked, which hopefully seemed like an innocent enough question.

  "My presence was 'required'," said Tanner, sternly, "so I attended. My remaining was not required, so I left. I have no wish to see my father take yet another mate in the hope of producing an heir to supplant myself and my brothers."

  "Why would he want to do that?" I asked. It was an easy open to start getting all sides of this f
amily drama, and there were always as many sides as there were people. The best way to get to the bottom of who had made an attempt on King’s life would be to find the truth, which was undoubtedly buried in the middle somewhere.

  "Because we are all disappointments. Hudson is the playboy who spends his time and money on drink, gambling and human women. Gray is the disobedient son who married for love rather than as his father wanted. And I'm the off-the-rails liability who acts without thinking."

  It was pretty much what King had told me. "That's how he sees you?"

  "That's who we are," admitted Tanner. "Hudson does party till he drops, Gray does disobey our father. And I think tonight has shown that I don't think much before acting. But that's all he sees. He doesn't see Hudson's loyalty or Gray's love. He doesn't see that acting on instinct can sometimes have the best results."

  I caught him smiling at me and flushed with the compliment.

  "Besides," Tanner continued. "Maria will replace my mother in my father's harem. She died last year."

  "I'm sorry."

  "So, you can see that I have plenty of reasons not to enjoy tonight's party. I wanted some time alone, which is hard for me to get around the heartland. The outskirts of Kenai territory are more dangerous for me but... at least I can be alone."

  "At least the night ended well," I ventured.

  He smiled in reply. We had now arrived at Heir’s House and Tanner led me silently up the stairs through the building. Even in my current state - flushed with excitement and throbbing with a mix of satisfaction and desire - I still took a moment to wonder at being in here. I had passed this place many times on the street, but to be inside one of the most important of Kenai buildings was not how I had expected tonight to work out.

  I had to keep my mind on my work - it was into this building that King's attempted assassin had run. Might there be clues left?