Hard Sell: A Bad-Boy, Rock Star Romance Read online

Page 23

  "Sure," she said. "Why not?"

  Cheri put up the video post and then pocketed her phone, vowing to take the rest of the night off. She had worked hard all week, and had pitched in to cover for the lack of an assistant. The rest could be done in the morning. If she had to stand here and watch Dev covered in women, she was going to need a drink.

  When Steve returned with a couple beers, she took hers and sucked down a third of it in a couple gulps.

  "Hey, wait for me to catch up there, sugar," said Steve with a chuckle.

  He clinked his glass with hers.


  After agreeing to a game of pool that took her out of the room and away from the nauseating spectacle on the dance floor, she was feeling slightly less ragey.

  Dev wasn’t her boyfriend and the more often she was reminded of that, the better off she’d be. After a few beers, the room started to feel a little stuffy, so when Steve asked her to go outside for a breath of air, she didn’t think twice. He seemed like a nice enough guy, and any excuse to not have to face Dev right now was a good one.

  They walked out into the brisk night and Cheri took a few deep gulps of air.

  "Thanks, that’s much better."

  She’d barely gotten the words out when Steve pressed her against the building and put his hands on either side of her head.

  "I'm glad. Because I've been wanting to do this all evening."

  He bent his head and brought his lips to hers, and Cheri froze with shock.

  No. No. No.

  She did not want this.

  "Hey," she gulped, pressing a hand to his chest.

  But Steve wasn't hearing her. She tried to wriggle away.



  Thank god.

  “Are you all right?” he asked.

  “Move along, asshole,” said Steve. “And find your own girl.”

  “Now, here’s the thing. I know this woman pretty well, and I’m sure that you aren’t her type.”

  “We’ll let her decide that.”

  “Actually,” said Cheri. She pushed her head under his arms to pop out and stand next to Dev. “My friend is right. Creep is not my favorite kind of man.”

  “See? She’s decided,” said Dev. “So find someone else to annoy.” Dev moved a few steps closer to Steve, towering over him, and glared at him with an intimidating ferocity.

  Steve looked up at Dev, saw he had a few inches and twenty pounds on him and did the math.

  “You want her so much, you keep her,” Steve shot lamely as he slunk into the shadows of the parking lot.

  Cheri slumped back against the red brick of the side of the building. She huffed a sigh of relief.

  “God, Dev. Thanks.”

  “He didn’t hurt you, did he?” Cheri turned her head when she heard Dev speak through gritted teeth. His eyes were blazing with fury and his hands were clenched at his side.

  Cheri’s heart fluttered when she saw him ready to go to war for her. He looked so strong, so dangerous that she wanted to throw her arms around him and kiss him. But then she always wanted to kiss him.

  “I’m fine, really. “

  “I would never forgive myself if something happened to you.”

  “I think this whole incident shows a need for a new lesson. You should get real close just to teach me how to tell a man to back off more aggressively.”

  She kept her tone light as if she was tossing the idea out in jest, but the only thing she wanted was to spend as many minutes with Dev as possible. Every second spent with him was more full and alive than when she was alone. She loved the heady sensation of being near him, of wanting him so badly that every cell in her body screamed to touch him.

  Dev’s eyes narrowed and his breathing went harsh. “That’s not a very good idea right now,” he rasped.

  “Why not?”

  “It’s been a long day.”

  “Oh,” she replied, wishing the disappointment wasn’t so evident in her voice. Why couldn’t she stop wearing her heart on her sleeve with this guy lately?

  “Hey,” he said lifting her chin with his index finger. His thumb fluttered over her lip as if he wanted to stroke it. A charge of need surged through her at the anticipation of his touch that left her off center and breathless. She licked her lips, brushing the tip of his thumb, and his eyes flew open. He jerked his hand back with a hiss.

  “I’m glad you’re okay,” he bit off sharply. “I’ll see you in the morning.” He turned on his heel and headed back into the bar.

  What the hell was going on with him? One minute he acted like he wanted her, then the next he pulled back, throwing up a shield wall between him and her.

  Embarrassment flooded through her, reddening her cheeks, and bringing stinging tears to her eyes. She ran through the parking lot and onto her bus.

  "Where's the fire?" said Gina from her bunk.

  "Nowhere," said Cheri, throwing herself into her bunk and burying her face in her pillow. "Absolutely nowhere."

  What the fuck had gotten into him?

  Rory had been walking out of the bar to find him just as he’d walked in and nearly caught he and Cheri together, but all Dev could think about was that redneck's mouth on hers and he wanted to explode all over again.

  Not because she was Rory’s little sister. He would’ve dragged a guy who’d crossed the line like that off of any woman, but with Cheri?

  It was something else. He’d wanted to dismantle the bastard completely.

  And the more time he spent with her, the harder it was to separate those feelings. Even when he’d been dancing, his thoughts had been on Cheri, wondering if she was snuggling up with Cobb somewhere. But the plain truth was, he had no right. Absolutely no right to feel that way.

  Continuing down this path with her was only going to make it worse. He had to nip this in the bud.

  The others went to the back of the bus to play video games so he was alone as he could be on this bus. He sat back on his bunk and heard the crunch of paper bags from the day's shopping trip and he swore under his breath.

  He’d forgotten all about the other clothes he bought Cheri. Seemed like a good enough excuse to get her alone without making the others suspicious so he could tell her how he was feeling.

  He hated to see the heartache in her eyes when he’d gone back into the bar, but he was at a crossroads, and it was eating him up inside. Something had to give.

  He gathered up the bags and marched out onto the gravel parking lot to knock on the door of the roadies’ bus. It swung open, and Gina stood in the doorway studying Dev as if trying to figure out what he was up to.

  "Tell Bug I need to speak to her."

  Gina shrugged and shouted, "Bug, someone’s here for you."

  Oh, good lord. Subtlety was not Gina's strong point.

  "Yeah," said Cheri. Then she stopped short, eyes wide as she caught sight of him.

  "Can you come outside for a sec?"

  "Sure," said Cheri warily. He led her around to the back away from prying eyes.

  She put her hands in her back pockets. "What’s up? You just wanted to drop off my clothes or…?"

  He set the bags down and blew out a sigh born of sheer frustration. "I think it would be best it we stop the lessons."

  "What?" she said, her voiced going shrill. "We’ve barely started."

  "You seem to be able to attract men just fine without my help."

  Cheri stood staring up at him, shock written over her beautiful features.

  "We had a deal,” she started and then stopped, her gaze pleading. “And sure, a couple guys like me now, but I don't know how to tell the ones I don't want to go away. I really do need your help."

  Why did those eyes of hers slay him every time? Why did he want to reach out and drag her close again? He was damned for all time by that kissable mouth, and the scent that rolled off her in the cool autumn night.

  Now that he had her close, all he wanted to do was wipe the memory of those guys…any guys,
out of her mind.

  He knew he was going to hell for his next suggestion but he couldn’t stop the words from coming out.

  "Then let me give you a demonstration."

  She blinked up at him. "Now?"

  "What better time?"

  Her back was to the bus and he leaned over her, placing his hands on either side of her head like he’d walked out to see the country boy doing at the roadhouse. Her eyes went wide as he leaned in, his nose barely an inch from hers.

  Her breathing hitched.

  "Now," he said in a low voice, "I've come on to you. And you don't like it. What do you do?"

  "Do?" she asked as if she was a million miles away.

  "Cheri, pay attention. I'm making advances you don't want. What do you do?"

  She swallowed hard.

  "I-I," she stuttered.

  Then, with a whimper, she threw her arms around his neck, pressing her mouth to his. She miscalculated and their teeth bumped, sending a slight shock of pain through him. But it was gone in a flash as the heat rose between them. Lights seemed to flash behind his eyes as the sweet taste of her mouth stole his reason.

  At first it was her kissing him, but that quickly turned around as he claimed her mouth, his tongue dancing with hers. He was hungry for her in a way he'd never been for any other woman. His hands found the round globes of her ass and pulled her tight against him. She mewled and rolled her hips into his swelling cock. His heartbeat quickened and all he could think about was getting this delectable woman out of her clothes.

  A dog barked somewhere nearby, jolting him back to reality.

  Dev pushed himself away, breath sawing in and out of his lungs.

  "Well," he said. "I don't quite think you got the point of that lesson." He willed himself to sound calm despite being anything but. His cock was painfully rigid and silently begging at his brain to get to the business at hand.

  But he couldn't.

  And at the same time, he couldn’t seem to walk away.

  Each breath was sending Cheri’s breasts up to push against the straining neckline of her shirt and he wanted to tear it off with his teeth.

  All the more reason to get the fuck away from her before it’s too late.

  "I guess," she said between gasps, "I'll have to do some make-up work and get it right next time."

  "Yeah," he said, bending low to grab the forgotten bags and hand them to her. "Next time."

  And with that he willed himself to turn around and walk back to his bus.

  It was the hardest twenty paces he ever walked.

  Chapter 9

  Cheri floated to her bunk in the bus, blood still buzzing from having lived out a fantasy she’d had since childhood.

  I just kissed Dev Lachlan.

  The memory of his mouth on hers and his hands stroking her body sent tingles through her. She never imagined that just kissing could make her feel so good.

  "What was that all about?" Gina said, studying the bags Dev had handed her.

  "He just wanted to see the video I took at the roadhouse before I posted it and give me these bags I forgot earlier. Really, rock stars are so sensitive about how they look on camera."

  "Sure,” Gina said with a smirk, taking a sip from the mug of hot cocoa she was holding. “That's why your chest and cheeks are all flushed and you look like you’re about to jump out of your skin."

  Cheri grabbed Gina's arm. "Keep it down, will you?" she whispered furiously.

  "Oh," she said conspiratorially, "don't worry. The crew is all in back watching TV. So spill it, woman. These lessons are getting serious, aren’t they?"

  "No!" Cheri panicked now. “I told you before, I know what I’m doing.”

  Gina crossed her arms and her eyes narrowed.

  "Uh huh."

  "No. Really. I asked him for help, and he’s helping me. I’m fully aware of the risks."

  Gina sighed. "I know I said I wouldn’t say anything else, but I can see it on your face. Loving this guy is a path to pure pain, Bug. You've seen this lifestyle. A different girl in each city. They may be physically available, but emotionally, it's not happening."

  "I know, and I’m not getting my hopes up," denied Cheri. "I've known Dev for forever. He's Rory's best friend. Dev eats spaghetti at our house on Sundays. He taught me how to ride a bike. We will just do this thing and then everything will go back to the way it was."

  Even as she said the words, the little bubbles of happiness she’d been feeling evaporated.

  "Just be careful, okay?"

  Cheri forced a smile as she nodded but her good mood was spoiled. She stuck the bag of clothes in the far corner of her bunk before turning back to Gina.

  "Look, I'm beat. I’m going to bed," she said.

  "Sorry," said Gina. "I'm just concerned about you."

  "I appreciate it. But I'm a big girl."

  "Yeah," said Gina quietly. "I thought that about myself not too long ago. And then I learned that big girls can cry too."

  Cheri tried not to let those words replay in her mind as she closed her eyes a few minutes later, but it didn’t work.

  By the time she fell asleep, the sun was smudging the sky with purple and her cheeks were wet with tears.

  Someone pulled at Cheri's arm and she threw the other one over her eyes.

  "Turn off the light," she complained.

  "That," said Richard, "would be hard to do, unless you can figure out a way to turn off the sun. Come on, we're going to the McBurger for breakfast before the bus pulls out for Atlanta."

  "You are a cruel, cruel man," said Cheri. She ran her cotton-mouthed tongue over her lips. "I need to brush my teeth at least."

  Richard tossed a bottled water onto her stomach where it rolled off into her blankets. "Let's move it, Galveston. We need to get into Atlanta early today."


  "Because," said Gina, pushing out of the small utility bathroom looking glamorous as she always did, "we've got a lunchtime meet-and-greet with the venue patrons, and other rich and famous of Atlanta. Plus, if I read my morning emails correctly, the president of our promotion company will be there as well."

  "I hope Bill briefed the band," said Richard. "This is no time for Connor’s pranks."

  But as the denizens of B bus walked as a group toward the fast food restaurant, a mob of people, mostly young women, swarmed toward them.

  "Let us pass," said Richard grumpily.

  "Where's the band?" cried one woman. "Where's Dev?" called another. "Sub-Zero, Sub-Zero," a group chanted.

  "They drove on ahead," said Richard. "We're just crew."

  "Oh my god," whispered Cheri to Gina who walked next to her. "This is crazy."

  "Yeah. It's not often that the crew gets mobbed like this. But it's proof positive your social media efforts have reach. They’re following your posts and setting up star watches based on them."

  "Star watches?"

  "Otherwise known as crazy fans stalking celebs."

  "Move along," said Richard. "There's nothing to see here." He pulled out his phone and sent a group text telling the band not to get off the bus.

  "Where's Bill?" said Cheri. "Shouldn't he be looking after the band?"

  "He,” said Gina, “went ahead to Atlanta to do the advance work and, of course, rub elbows with the elite of the city."

  "Let's just get our food and get back to the bus," said Richard. "Cheri, you know our boys best." He nodded toward the first bus. "Can you order for them?"

  Which meant she was going to see Dev sooner than later when she delivered it.

  She was still a confused wreck after the night before, and only hoped she didn’t look as bad as she felt.

  "Yeah, sure," she chirped back brightly.

  After fifteen minutes of wrangling, they grabbed the bags of food. Cobb volunteered to help Cheri carry them, and Gina carried the over-stacked beverage tray. Cheri was amazed at how their publicist balanced the liquids as she walked on her stiletto heels, sure she could never duplicate Gina's

  "What the hell is going on?" said Dev as they climbed into the bus.

  She needn’t have worried about how she looked. Dev avoided even glancing in her direction. But his eyes narrowed when they lit on Cobb.

  Doesn’t mean anything, fool.

  "Crazy fans," said Gina shrugging her shoulders.

  Cheri slowed in her tracks as she took in the full picture of Dev sporting some seriously sexy, early morning scruff. She shivered thinking about how those bristles would feel scraping against her skin in a morning kiss.

  God, she was as bad as those star watchers.

  She shook her head to clear her wayward thoughts. Last night with Dev might’ve been the nail in that coffin. She had to prepare mentally for that possibility, and mooning over him wasn’t going to help.

  But, god, that kiss…

  "Yeah," she said. "Richard said to tell you that we'll stop at a truck stop up the road so you guys can get cleaned up for the meet-and-greet."

  "Oh joy," said Connor dropping into a seat in the kitchen area. "What you got there?"

  "Well, I got you a big breakfast," said Cheri.

  "Bless you, child," said Connor.

  "And here is an assortment of biscuits, and bagel sandwiches."

  "And coffee," said Gina.

  "I think I love you," said Rory grabbing a coffee from the tray Gina held.

  "Darling man, you can't survive my true form as kaffe goddess," she said. "But your worship is duly noted."

  Rory grunted and took the covered cup Gina offered. Cheri's phone buzzed in her pocket.

  "Richard tells us to get on the road, so gentlemen, according to this schedule we'll hit Atlanta at about eleven thirty. The meet-and-greet starts at noon. Also, note that your clothing for today will be delivered to you."

  Connor saluted Cheri. "Yes, my cap-i-tan," he quipped. But Mac, Quinn, and Rory stared glumly into their coffee cups.

  Gina nudged Cheri. "Are they going to be okay?" she said.

  "Sure. They are always a bit uncommunicative in the morning," said Cheri. "Some mornings the most I can get out of Rory is a couple of grunts."

  Cheri's phone buzzed again. It was Richard making dire threats if they didn't get to the bus. She showed the message to Gina.