Her Werewolf Harem Read online

Page 15

  I watched as the Arctic werewolves took their own Pack Leader into custody - which didn't please King, but I didn't much care about that. I watched as the Kenai werewolves apologized for their unwarranted incursion and walked out of Arctic territory unmolested. I watched as Kenai King, in front of all of his Court, apologized to his sons in a way that was very different to how he had apologized before.

  "We all make our mistakes in life - I nearly paid for mine tonight. I have judged you all for the ways in which you are like me; wild, disobedient, lustful. Whatever is good in you, is from your mother, and I suppose it's her I have to thank for my being alive tonight, because I surely would not have been without you. As long as you have her in you, then I think any one of you would make a fine Pack Leader. And," he turned to look at me, "as long as you make such wise choices in running the pack as you have in your mate, then I think you will be finer still. I will not name a successor. I name three, to rule together as they see fit, with the mate whom they have seen fit to choose. As long as the idea of that doesn't make her run for the hills. There will be those who say a part-wolf cannot be a Pack Leader's mate, and those people will have to answer to me. We have just seen what a part-wolf Pack Leader can do." He shook his head. "I wouldn't use Arctic Venus as a model, but she proved that a part-wolf can be as strong as any of us, I have faith that Malone Lana," he turned my name into a wolf version of it; family name first, "is stronger still. And the wisest among us. Even wolves need brains from time to time."

  It was a good speech, but I had already made up my mind. Nice though it was to know that King approved of me, I didn't care about his approval and I didn't think the guys did, either. What we had went beyond that sort of thing. It was simple. We were in love. There would be problems, but aren't there always in life. And I knew that whatever problems there were, we would face them together, and there was no problem large enough to pull us apart.

  I made two demands concerning the ceremony held at the Kenai Pack Lodge to celebrate my joining the Kenai family as the official mate of all three of the Pack's heirs. Firstly, I insisted on my parents being present. My father was part-wolf, of course, but my mother would be the first full human to witness such a ceremony. She enjoyed it, finding it 'very ethnic' - which is the sort of thing moms say.

  Secondly, I insisted on inviting the other Pack Leaders. As long as King remained in charge, there would always be an uneasiness between the packs, but I wanted to indicate from the start, that one day things would change, that we didn't have to be at each other's throats the whole time. Maybe one day, those territorial boundaries would cease to matter.

  Hokkai Jack proved surprisingly amenable, bought me a nice wedding present - a blender - and told my mother bloodcurdling stories about wolf life that she loved.

  MacKenzie Sean was grouchier about the whole affair, but with a few drinks inside him, he lightened up enough to demonstrate some traditional werewolf dances wearing traditional werewolf costume, until he was persuaded to put his clothes back on.

  Arctic Solana was happiest to be there. She had never been meant to be Pack Leader - a distant and disregarded relative - perhaps that was why the pack had embraced her so fervently, putting their house in order. They felt lucky just to have been allowed to survive, and were determined not to repeat the mistakes of the past.

  A strange thing had happened at the reception - for want of a better word - or perhaps it wasn't so strange. Tanner apologized to his astonished father for his behavior in the past, for his losses of temper and impulsiveness. More surprising still, King had said it was as much his fault as Tanner's and the pair had embraced and looked, all in all, very much like a father and son are supposed to look. And it wasn't just Tanner; Gray said sorry for his past disobedience. He could never be sorry for taking Yuko as his mate, but he regretted how he had handled it. And again, King had poured out his own apologies and wished that it had never happened and asked if Gray could ever forgive him. It was all very melodramatic, and yet exceedingly wolfish - nothing by halves.

  I didn't know exactly what happened between Hudson and King. Something similar, I would guess. I saw the youngest brother take his father aside, into a corner, for a frank conversation, that might have been an apology of sorts for his wild behavior and womanizing, but all I heard was the tail end of it. Hudson looked across at me, a smile on his face in which I saw nothing but love. He turned to his father and said, "Is that what it was like when you met mother?"

  And King had nodded, and replied, "Yes. And I never looked back."

  Was it arrogant to think that I might have been a little bit responsible for all this? Maybe, but I was okay with that.

  All in all, I think, as mating ceremonies go, it went rather well.

  And now? Now, I was looking forward to a future that hadn't been written yet. There were things I wanted to do - some would happen, others maybe not, but I was going to spend my life solving a different kind of mystery; how to get the werewolves to get along. Until then...

  I rolled over in bed and let my hand stroke down the ripped muscles of Gray's chest to find him hard.

  "You can't want more," I gasped in mock surprise, my fingers playing up and down his charged member. "Not after last night."

  "I'll never have enough of you." He rolled on top of me, kissing me as I guided his erection between my legs.

  I had spent the night just with Gray last night, something I did with all my mates from time to time. I had wondered if we might develop some sort of routine, but it turned out that we all preferred just going with the flow, doing what felt right at any given time. It was fun, it was wild, it was free.

  I arched my hips up to meet Gray as he pushed into me, flexing his wiry cock so it tugged pleasingly against my internal muscles. As we continued to kiss, I threw a leg over his hips and gave him a gentle squeeze and he responded, beginning the slow delectable to and fro motions of love. I purred in pleasure as Gray stroked in and out of me. Every time with my mates was like the first time, as intense, as exciting, as joyful and as new.

  "Good morning." Tanner greeted us as he and Hudson strolled in, naked and unembarrassed. I had soon gotten used to the openness of werewolf sex, it was easy when you loved the people you were with - what was there to be shy about?

  "Mind if we join in?" asked Hudson, whose cock was hardening even as I watched.

  "Do we mind?" Gray asked me, his firm, regular fucking rhythm untroubled by the arrival of his brothers.

  "Mind?" I drawled, lost in the pleasure of what Gray was doing. "I practically insist."

  Gray grinned and I squealed as he rolled over, leaving me lying full length on top of him, his cock still buried in me.

  I felt his hands pulling my bum cheeks wide and murmured, "Oh yes, please."

  A pair of eager tongues flickered about my asshole, burrowing in to lubricate the entrance and make me squirm in pleasure. Then Tanner's broad cockhead butted against me and I gulped in strained delight as he pushed in. Tanner was a big man to take via that hole, but practice was making perfect, and I now relished the feel of his girth stretching me. He lay down flat along my undulating body, making me the filling in a werewolf sandwich, his weight flattening my ass cheeks against his hips and my breasts against Gray's chest.

  I whimpered as the two brothers sawed in and out of me, not quite at the same rate, so each stroke was unique. I could feel them together inside me, their magnificent organs separated by only a thin membrane. They could presumably feel each other, and that thought just made me hotter still. I kissed Gray, then craned around to kiss Tanner, too.

  Having kissed them both, I stretched my neck forward and Hudson was not slow to meet me, smiling as I kissed the proud, firm head of his dick, then sighing as I took it into my mouth. I sucked at Hudson with long, slurping strokes, trying to take as much of him as I could. I knew there were girls who could deep throat a cock, even of Hudson's length - there was something for me to learn in the future. There was always something.

p; As I always did at these moments, I relished the feel of my three men inside me, filling me with their hardness. As always, I adored their ease with each other - such a wolfish trait - never worrying about their proximity to each other's nakedness, never jealous of the others with me. But most of all, I felt lucky. I was not lucky because I had three men while most women are lucky to get one.

  I didn't see them as three. Although, they were very different, they were also one - they were my mates. I could not have picked between them, I could not have imagined one or two without the others. What made me lucky was not that there were three of them, that didn't enter into it. It wasn't that they were all handsome, physically perfect, and fucked me like three angels made flesh - with a bit of devil thrown in.

  Don't get me wrong; all of that was good, it was amazing, and I wouldn't want anyone to think I took it for granted. But it wasn't the most important thing, because all of that was transitory. Looks faded, physiques sagged, you couldn't base a relationship on great sex alone. We had more than that. We had something that would stand the test of time.

  We had love.

  It sounds simple, and yet people go a lifetime without finding it. Considering the circumstances, I felt incredibly lucky to have found what I was looking for in love - it seemed like I was pretty hard to please.

  The guys began to strain harder at me. Gray held my hips tight in his hands, his muscles straining as he lifted both myself and his brother with each upward thrust of his hips. He kissed his way down my neck, each peck landing with tingling arousal. On top of me, Tanner's knees were planted deep in the mattress, giving him the purchase to slide his cock deeper. I could hear the gasps and groans of Hudson above me, as I sucked hard at him, wanting my lips to traverse every inch of his shaft, right to the root, but always falling short. Which didn't seem to matter to Hudson, he cupped my head gently in his hands, stroking my hair as he pumped his lengthy organ back and forth, shaking with desire.

  I could feel the need building in all of them, and it was rising in me, too. There was one more thing I wanted, one thing to make it perfect.

  I released Hudson from my mouth for just long enough to whisper, "Do it," then gulped him back in again.

  The guys knew what I meant, and I closed my eyes in anticipation.

  The next moment, I felt their bodies rippling in flux. They did not change completely, but flipped quickly back and forth between forms, neither one thing nor the other. For split seconds I felt thick hair beneath me and pressed across my back, clawed hands squeezed at my breasts and stroked my hair, muscles bulged and thrusts became rougher. My body vibrated with the growling of my lovers that reverberated up through their chests, keying to something deeply primal within me. For wicked, spare moments, my pussy, my ass and my mouth were filled with wolf cock, and the heady animal scent of them hung on the air.

  I came with a sudden violence, bucking between the three guys as orgasm tore through me. The force of my climax put them over the edge and they flooded me with their wolf seed, filling every orifice, gasping as they came.

  Afterwards, we lay on the bed together, happily enclosed in each other’s arms. I wondered idly if it was the wolf part of me that loved them changing like that, or the human part that lusted after the unusual. It didn't matter. We had a lifetime ahead of us to explore such things about ourselves and each other. We had all grown up a little bit since this thing had started, all found ways to be better versions of the people we were. To quote a corny line; we completed each other.

  They were my men, my lovers, my animals, my mates.


  Want more steamy romance? Check out all Savannah’s books on her Amazon author page!

  Looking for more steamy shifter novels by Savannah Skye right now now? Check out Her Howling Harem Collection, free with KU!

  When war and conscience tear wolf-shifter Arianna Kellum from her pack, she finds herself alone in the wilds of Alaska…until she runs into the sexy and untamed Robicheaux brothers. Can they make their own pack and fight for the side of good, or will evil prevail and tear them apart before they get the chance?

  The pain came first. An ache in my chest like an icy fist resided there.

  I forced myself to open my eyes, but it felt as though I hadn’t woken from the nightmares that had been plaguing me since I fell asleep.

  With a groan, I flicked my gaze around the cell and found nothing new; I had this place committed to memory now. It felt as though I’d been trapped in here a lifetime, but it had only been four or five days. Though a lifetime in here wasn’t off the table yet…

  I got to my feet, the shackles around my ankles clanking loudly, stretching my hands above my head and doing my best to work out the kinks in my muscles, but they still ached with every movement I made. I hadn’t been able to shift the whole time I was here – the six-by-six of my cell was too small for that, and I didn’t want to damage property on top of everything else that I’d done – but being trapped in this skin, in my human skin, was starting to drive me a little crazy. Ever since I’d first shifted all those years ago, I hadn’t gone more than a day or two without doing it. It was the only way I could cling on to that side of myself, to remind myself that I was as much animal as human, to stretch and feel the freedom my wolf form offered.

  But they had locked me up in here to make sure that I couldn’t do anything of the sort, and they all knew just how dangerous that was. It felt as though my muscles were beginning to curdle under my skin, my bones growing thick and heavy and weighing me down. I didn’t feel right. Some half of me was missing, and they knew how painful it was to be stuck in my human shape for this long without reprieve.

  I inhaled a great lungful of air, hoping it would clear my head, but instead was met with the choking stench of damp and rat droppings. I wasn’t sure how long ago this place had been built, but it hadn’t been cleaned since it was constructed and it was dank, disgusting and falling apart. Too bad that, despite it’s disrepair, the stone walls that kept me in were thick and heavy and not going anywhere; I should know, since I’d spent my first few days in this place clawing at them, screaming for someone to let me out, begging for some sort of release.

  No one heard me. Or if they did, no one came to my rescue.

  I paced back and forth in the cell, trying to work off the nervous energy that was pulsing through my system from not having shifted in the past few days. I was still half-asleep, fatigued by the indolence of the last week, and it wasn’t until I heard a cluster of voices outside that I remembered what day it was. I came to a standstill, eyes wide, and pricked my ears to try and make out what was being said; today was the day they were coming for me. Today was the day I couldn’t avoid my fate any longer.

  In truth, I would have taken anything to get out of that cage for a while, although what was waiting for me would likely be just as bad. I couldn’t make out the details of what anyone out there was talking about but I didn’t need to – I knew that it concerned me. That was all anyone had been discussing around here the last week since my capture. I couldn’t blame them.

  I began pacing again, trying to work out the kinks in my human muscles. I could feel the beast inside me, sense it snorting and pawing impatiently at the ground as it waited for me to finally give in to what I wanted and shift. But I couldn’t. Where the hell would I go? This damp, dank cage was specifically meant to keep in people like me, and even if I shifted right as they opened the door to take me out, I would be facing off against at least another dozen wolves who were better fed, better rested, and better prepared than I was. It would have been a suicide mission, one that I didn’t want any part of.

  I placed a hand flat on one of the stones in front of me, letting the coolness of the brick calm me down a little. It had always worked, ever since I was young – touching something natural, something that came from the real world, made me feel better. I could make out the curves and contours of the stone beneath my fingers, just like I had done a dozen times before with wood o
r water or moss. I loved the way it felt, the unpredictability of the pattern rich under my hand. For a moment, I could forget the act that I was locked in this godforsaken place, could forget that I honestly didn’t know if I was ever going to see my freedom again, and pretend that I was somewhere far distant, a forest a hundred miles from here, running alongside a river, the cool stones under the pads of my paws as I ran and I ran and I ran-

  I was whipped from my reverie by the sound of the door scraping open before me, and I blinked against the light that came pouring through – I felt thirsty for the sun, and moved towards the door, staring up into it for a moment before I realized who was standing there in front of me.

  “Cora?” I asked, my voice sounding half-choked in my throat. She didn’t reply but I knew it was her. I knew her form almost as well as I knew my own, we’d spent so much time together over the years. Long blonde hair pulled up into a ponytail to keep it up off her face, pale blue eyes that shone in the early morning light, the exact opposite to me in almost every way. My best friend. Well, not any longer.

  “Hi,” I greeted her awkwardly. I had no idea what to say to her given our current situation.

  I knew what she had to do as well as she did, and that she had no choice in the matter, but it felt profoundly wrong not to be able to joke around with her as we had always done. I had known her since the two of us were kids and now she could barely even look me in the eye.

  My heart twisted and I felt another stab of sadness in my chest. I knew she couldn’t treat me the way she used to, but that didn’t mean the memories of everything we’d shared together over the years vanished from my mind. I could still remember her goofy laugh, all those nights we’d sat up late whispering to each other across the bedroom, the discoveries we’d made together. And now…nothing.