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Her Werewolf Harem Page 12
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Page 12
I heard a smash of crockery as Tanner dropped his plate, rushing toward me. More cries and shouts of alarm told me that Gray and Hudson were also on their way.
"What the hell is going on?!" The voice of Kenai King carried above the rising chaos in the room.
The guard on the door, who had been pushed aside by the running man, now stepped out to stop me, but I sidestepped him, ducking past. A second later, I heard the thump of Tanner going straight through him. I skidded to a halt in the entrance lobby, glancing this way and that.
"Which way did he go?"
The man on the door looked up, confused.
"Which way did he go?" Tanner repeated, his voice thick with snarl.
The doorman pointed to a staircase.
"Is there another way up?" I asked Tanner.
"That way."
"Right. Me and you will follow. Gray, Hudson - try to cut him off."
"Where's he heading?" asked Hudson as I ran for the stairs.
"The roof."
I couldn't know for certain but it was what I would do. Inside the Lodge, he was trapped, but as a wolf he had the strength and agility to leap from building to building.
As I reached the stairs, Tanner went past me, now in wolf form and running on all fours. He howled and I heard the answer from his brothers, echoing behind us.
As we left the entrance lobby, guests were starting to spill in from the Great Hall, wondering what was going on. I could still hear King's voice in the background, demanding that someone tell him what was happening.
I was out of breath by the time I reached the top of the stairs, emerging out onto the roof of the Lodge. In front of me, I saw a werewolf running along the edge of the parapet with Tanner in pursuit. A door at the far end of the roof flew open and Hudson and Gray burst through, both in wolf form, growling ferociously. The running wolf nearly tripped over its paws trying to turn, and ran instead for the edge. It made a huge attempt at the leap, out across the street, aiming for the buildings opposite. Even without a good run up, it nearly made it, but its claws skittered on the brickwork as it fell just short and was left hanging from a parapet.
Gray took a run up and launched himself across the distance, his muscles standing out like cables beneath his fur. He landed securely on the far side and stalked toward the dangling wolf, letting out a harsh bark at it.
"We need him alive, Gray. We need him alive!" I yelled.
Gray raised his hairy shoulders in what might have been a wolfish shrug, got back onto his hind legs - werewolves walk on their hind legs but run on all fours - and reached down. The stricken wolf grabbed the outstretched arm and Gray hauled him up, just as Tanner landed beside him to make sure there was no funny business.
I peered off the top of the building to see the street outside Pack Lodge filling up with people - werewolves spilling out of the brightly lit front entrance, staring up at the buildings to see what was going on. Amongst them, I saw King, looking up at his sons apprehending the MacKenzie wolf. He looked around at me, an expression of confusion on his features. I gave a nod and King's face changed into one of grim resolution.
"Where's Sean? Where is MacKenzie Sean? I want him held. He is bound by wolf lore to answer for the attempted assassination of a Pack Leader."
Chapter 16
Then things happened fast.
The man was identified as Hendry Lennox of the MacKenzie Pack and he was dragged off for questioning, as Sean protested his innocence and I suggested as loudly as possible that perhaps the police should be involved. But that was not how werewolves liked to do things, so I elbowed my way into the interrogation room to make sure all remained above board.
"No half-breeds," said the man on the door, scowling at me.
"How about you try saying that to me while you're doubled over in pain?" I suggested.
I kicked the man in the nads, hard enough that his descendants would feel it - assuming descendants were still an option, and he doubled over.
Kenai King laughed. "She can come in. It will do her good to see how werewolf justice works."
"None of you even know why I chased him," I pointed out, and went on to explain about the attack on me.
King turned to Hendry Lennox, cowering at the interrogation table. "Do you deny attacking this part-wolf?"
"It was on my Pack Leader's orders," Lennox stuttered.
"And is there anything else you wish to confess?" King loomed over the man.
"It was on my Pack Leader's orders."
King nodded. "You know our lore. If you were acting at the behest of your Pack Leader, then no blame is attached to you. But if you lie, then I will feed your genitals to my new mate. She's getting tired of eating mine."
I didn't know what to make of that as a threat, but it did the trick.
"MacKenzie Sean ordered me to assassinate the Kenai Pack Leader during the last Lunar Hunt!"
A werewolf must obey his Pack Leader, even when that Leader asks him to do something as underhanded and un-wolf-like as covert assassination. No blame is attached to the man following orders.
"Time to have a word with Sean," growled King.
"We have a confession," I said. "Time to go to the police."
King shot a look at me. "Thank you for your help in this matter, Miss Malone, but your services are no longer required."
"It's not just me you should be thanking." Some would say it took balls to stand up to Kenai King, but today he had other people to vent his rage at.
King looked as if he might change form and tear me to shreds where I stood, but I remained firm.
"Your sons helped me. I couldn't have done it without them. And you accused them of trying to kill you."
"We all make mistakes."
"Some of us apologize for them."
"They're still wastes of space."
"But not patricidal."
King's scowl slowly spread into a grin. "I do like you. I bet you're a hellcat in the sack. If ever you want a man who can handle that fire, then you come see me."
Now was probably not the time to tell him that, of all the Kenai males, he was the only one I wasn't interested in. Stuff like that could wait.
Tanner, Gray and Hudson had remained upstairs when Lennox and Sean were dragged off, and now they sprang to their feet as their father entered.
"Boys," King began, unsure of himself and not happy to be doing this. "I just wanted to say... To say; well done. Well done in catching this man who tried to kill me. I am..." He sought for a word that wasn't 'proud' but would more or less serve the purpose. "...satisfied with you."
He looked at me, as if to ask if that was good enough, and I raised an eyebrow, not letting him off so easily.
"I'm sorry for suspecting you." It was barely more than a mutter, and before he had even finished the sentence, King was turning back for the door.
"Pack Leader," I called after him and King turned back. "If MacKenzie Sean does not arrive with the police completely unharmed, then please remember that I am no longer in your employ and will happily rat you out."
I expected to see anger on his face, but King just shook his head and murmured, "Hellcat."
As he left, I turned back to the guys.
Finally, Hudson spoke. "What now?"
Good question. Of all that I had hoped might happen tonight, closing the case had been beyond my wildest dreams. It had all happened so damn fast. It had been... easy. Sometimes you get lucky. So that was an end of it.
But was it an end of all of it?
"I guess..." What the hell did I want? "I guess, I need to pick up my clothes and my car from Heir’s House."
Though we had decided not to arrive together, leaving together felt perfectly natural, and I wondered how much King knew, or guessed, about my relationship with his sons. Was 'relationship' the word? I didn't know what it was now. It was something that had happened in the heat of the case. It had been beautiful and hot and fun and intimate and exhausting and loving and a hundre
d other adjectives. But how much of it was tied up in the situation? The doubts of the previous day came back to me as we walked.
How long could it really last?
How would the Kenai Pack react to the immediate heirs mating with a part-wolf?
What would I do if they chose to take other mates? Would they?
Too many questions. Better to treasure what we had enjoyed together and remember it as the special time that it had been, something that had gone way beyond the purely sexual, and something that would remain forever unsullied by failure. If we parted now on good terms, then it would be perfect for all time.
Yeah, that was the sensible thing to do. Shame it hurt like hell.
Back at Heir’s House, the mood was somber.
"Shouldn't we be celebrating?" asked Hudson.
"You guys go ahead," I said, then murmured a few pat things about getting my stuff together, best for all concerned, just a 'part-wolf' and shit like that, before running up to my room. The sooner I got this over with, the better.
I quickly got my stuff sorted and turned to the door to leave, only to find all three of the guys standing there.
"We've been talking," said Tanner. "We don't know what you want - and we're not trying to tell you what to do - but we know what we want. We want you. All of us. And no one else."
"We want you as our mate," Hudson clarified. "Exclusively. A soul mate who is also a sole mate. Like a marriage."
"With three husbands," added Gray.
"Well, yeah, with three husbands, but other than that, like a marriage."
"So, the only question," continued Tanner, "is what do you want?"
But that wasn't the only question, there were so many more.
"I love you all," I said, not wanting them to misunderstand. "But the circumstances..."
"Fuck circumstances," said Gray, sharply. "When you see something you want in life, something that makes you happy, you've got to go for it. You never know what tomorrow will bring. It can all be taken away from you so quickly."
"What do you want?" asked Tanner again.
That was a question that only had one answer. Or, possibly three.
"You," I said, smiling. "I want all of you."
Chapter 17
It's amazing how fast you can lose your clothes when there are three gorgeous men who want to make love to you.
I had never even had a threesome before, and yet there was not a sliver of anxiety in my mind as I shed my underwear and bounced onto the bed. This was what I had wanted since before I even knew I wanted it. Perhaps it was what I had wanted all my life without knowing it, and I was just waiting for the perfect men to make my dreams a reality. I was part-wolf, after all, and while I had, in the past, suppressed some of the desires that came with my wolf side, I was now ready to embrace them.
Hudson was apparently the quickest of the guys at undressing - I would have bet money on that - and he was on top of me the moment my ass touched the sheets. I drew him to me, welcoming his kiss on my lips and feeling the long, hard shaft of his cock bouncing eagerly against my stomach.
"Ooh," I squeaked in surprise, as he pushed the first few inches of his thick member into me without preamble, making a few shallow, experimental strokes to warm us both up. His hands slid down my sides and his lips left my mouth to tease the perky nipples on my soft breasts.
As quickly as he had arrived, he pulled back again, shuffling down the bed and replacing his cock with his tongue, lapping at my core, making me sigh in delight. We were now joined on the bed by Tanner and Gray, and I took in my lovers with wide eyes. Tanner was broad and powerful in every respect, his muscles gleaming in their perfection, his thick cock thrust before him. I had not seen Gray totally naked before, and found my mouth watering - I badly wanted to taste him.
As Hudson continued to eat me out, his hands pinching and stroking at my writhing ass cheeks, Tanner and Gray descended on my body, their lips and tongues roaming over my breasts, occasionally diving up for a kiss of my lips. Their hands slid across my flesh, feather-like and gentle, caressing every spot, rousing every erogenous zone, including a few I had not known existed. I felt like an idol, an object of worship. These three, dominant alpha-males treated me, not as something to possess, something to give them pleasure, but as a goddess to be worshipped.
It was lovely, it was incredible, but with three proud erections in reach, and the taste of testosterone sharp in the air, I wanted more. Sometimes, even a goddess wants to be an object.
I stretched out my leg till my foot located Hudson's steely cock. I worked the sole of my foot along its sensitive underside, rubbing my heel hard against it, squeezing the head with my toes. I could feel the reaction in Hudson from the action of his mouth against me, and my body rippled with pleasure as his tongue skewered me or ground against my aching clit.
Finally, Hudson could take no more. He was breathing heavily with arousal as he sprang up from between my legs, and my eyes gleamed at the sight of his long cock, pulsing and twitching with desire. Gripping the shaft, Hudson angled himself down against me and, with a single thrust, sheathed himself in my slick depths.
My heels dug into the mattress and my breath fluttered unevenly as Hudson drove as deep into me as any man had ever gone, then set up a swift, joyful rhythm, a smile on his face as his hips cracked against mine with confident speed. And why shouldn't he smile? This was a celebration, after all - we had won. We had solved the mystery and caught the killer, and my reward was these three males. I'd never had a case go quite this well before.
As Hudson hooked up my legs with his strong arms, lifting my ass off the bed, enabling him to go deeper still, I turned my attention to my other men. My pussy was fully occupied, and the youngest Kenai brother was already sending it into delicious spasms of bliss with each strong thrust, but I had imagination enough to include his brothers.
With outstretched hands, I caught hold of Tanner - my fingers not even meeting around his girth - and Gray - his cock bucking in my grasp like a living animal. I knew exactly what I wanted from Gray and guided him to my mouth. He groaned as I sucked him in, and the taste of him, salty and masculine, made me tingle in unexpected places. I determined to suck Gray dry, drawing him deep, until the head of his cock was lodged against the tender skin at the back of my throat. His resulting growl sent a shudder of need through me.
Tanner, meanwhile, I guided to the large mounds of my breasts. Tanner swiftly caught on, urging his shaft between them as I let go of it to press my breasts together and clutch his rampant cock in pillowy flesh. He growled in satisfaction and began to slowly arch his hips forward and back, reveling in the friction.
As my body pleasured the three at once, they had not forgotten about me. I felt Hudson's hands slipping beneath my suspended ass cheeks. I knew what to expect, but still, the feel of his middle finger popping into my bottom made me start, and I had to be careful not to bite Gray.
Tanner, meanwhile, had sought out my clit, tweaking it between his fingers, rubbing in magical circles.
Gray's hands stayed by his sides, clenching and unclenching as he fought to keep his composure while I sucked, bit, licked, lapped, scraped and generally treated his imprisoned cock to the best possible kind of torture.
Twisting around the pivot of Gray's aching cock, I got off my back and onto all fours. Hudson slid out of me and instantly went under me, his mouth locating my breasts and flicking my straining nipples with his tongue.
Tanner replaced him and I grunted around Gray's length as the eldest brother slid into me.
Even after all we’d done, Tanner still had the girth to stretch me in the nicest way imaginable. He pulled back and then pushed in again, this time far enough that his hips flattened out my ass cheeks. I gurgled at the back of my throat as the delicious new sensations fought their way out of me.
That only encouraged Tanner, and he went to work, pounding me with deep, powerful strokes, his hands massaging my tender ass flesh as he gave me all I could handle, and m
ore. I bit down on Gray's cock, half from pent up pleasure, half to torture him, and I heard his strained groan from above.
Leaving my breasts behind, Hudson now slid out from under me. He kissed his way down my back, and I felt Tanner pull away slightly, to go into me from another angle, so his brother had room. I squirmed and bucked in delight as Hudson's tongue worked into my asshole. From the corner of my eye, I saw Hudson's long cock, swollen and slick with my juices, the arousing taste of my ass making it strain skywards, beyond even its impossible length. I could guess what he wanted, and damn it, I wanted it, too.
Again, I managed to rearrange our little foursome without letting go of Gray - who was now twitching and emitting guttural noises of desperation. I sat astride Tanner's stallion of a cock, facing him. Gray stood above his brother, hands on my head, trying to control his breathing. Hudson needed no instruction and Tanner made things easier for his brother by prying my ass cheeks wide to reveal his target, still slick with Hudson's own saliva.
I tried to retain my composure as I felt the firm plum of Hudson's cockhead pressing at my asshole, and then I wailed around Gray's muffling cock as he pressed in.
I felt a slight stab of discomfort, even pain, as I stretched, but the pain was swiftly replaced by wicked pleasure and a tremendous sense of fullness.
I heard Hudson sucking in breath as he forged slowly forward, backing off a little then pushing back in, as my ass became used to him. With each throb of forbidden pleasure from my skewered bottom, I tugged hard on Gray's cock with my mouth, drawing cries of anguish from him. Beneath me, Tanner gripped my hips and rode me up and down the straining length of his powerful shaft, slowly, so as not to impede Hudson's entry. Finally, I felt Hudson's hips settle against me, fully seated.
I had them all - my three beautiful men were inside me, making me feel fuller, more satiated and more loved than I would have thought possible. Now, I just prayed they all had the stamina to give me the next thing I wanted.
We began to move together, even Gray seeming to find new strength, working his raw cock in and out of my mouth, cupping my head and moving me to match his burning desire. Tanner bore up at me from beneath, slow but getting faster, like a steam train coming to a head. From behind, Hudson gasped in time with his quick deep thrusts as my tight ass swallowed him whole.